Moving On
Thanks peeps for faithfully visiting my blog even though i haven
't had the time to update for quite sometime. It has been a crazy few weeks for me. Many should have known by now that i have moved on from the NS ministry and left to pioneer the SMU ministry. I do have many thoughts and i want to share some of them here.
First of all, let's start with the NS ministry. Pardon me for not
naming and thanking those who have blessed me over the past 4 years one by one. its just too many and not the purpose of this post. I am privileged that God had allowed me to be part of what He did in the NS ministry in the past 4 years. I am deeply humbled that he used someone like me to do His work.
Looking back, there are some important lessons i learnt over the years in the NS ministry that i hope to share here.
1) Never let the heady situation of ministry success get into your head. There was a period in which i fell hard, yes it was painful, ironically at the peak of my ministry. God had to bring me back to ground after i allowed my own pride and ego to come into the picture. I didn't handle the pat on the backs well and i really thank God for growing me in that area. Looking back, i really ask God, "hey father, you sure you used that arrogant young punk to do your work?" Yes yes yes and yes. God is a patient God, that's the beauty of God using imperfect people to do His perfect work. Thank you God for persevering in this servant of yours.
2) I learnt to slow down. By nature, i'm more rash by nature. "AAAHHHH... Chiong ahhh!!" haha.. its quite funny. but i guess i learnt to use my brain a little more. I don't think i lost the edge in taking risks or going for the adrenaline pumping faith acts, i don't think so. But i guess the more i learnt about God and His Character, the more i realise that composure was a key thing Jesus had. Even when he went around turing tables, he knew what and why he was doing it. With that, i learnt to pace myself as well as pace the ministry. Not everything that happens in the group needs to be within my control. I'm not the saviour
. God is, and being in control is His job, not mine.
3) I learnt that people are humans not robots. This is one of my biggest lessons. We're in a people work here. Its always a tricky thing to handle.
4) The NS ministry is so important. I said it before and i'll say it again that the NS ministry is like a form of bottle neck where guys from all walks of life,different ministries, different schools will converge at. If we want to build a strong church in the Singapore context, the NS ministry will play a vey important role. We need to build man for the kingdom of God.
5) Never lose hope. there are many times when the future seem bleak for the ministry. Things just seem to be in a freefall. But God constantly reminded myself that He is a faithful God.
I finally received my certificate of service!! hahaa
Moving on to the SMU ministry has not been a one week affair. The transition actually took months for myself. I got to know about it in Feburary. In 36 hours, i told wenjiang yes. But the yes was in the form of , yes, i am willing to see what God has installed for me. I am willing to explore the possibility of going to the SMU ministry. It took me 36 hours to lay aside my personal plans and agenda and be willing to lay down my life b4 God and say, God, what's next?
As i took a step of faith and obeyed God, God responded and He showed me more. He opened doors for me to speak to people, drop people in my life to help me, put me in situations where i would get to know more about what was installed for me for the next few years. All these only happened after i took the step of faith and tell God, i'm willing to give it a chance.
By march, we were praying, planning and strategizing for the ministry. And on the 3rd of April, we had our very first SMU CG. It has been a privilege to be in the position to be able to see how God, because of His love for the people in SMU bring everyone together to do His work here.

Our 1st Cg: Not in pic, Sher li, Jet and Huifen
The ministry is still in its infancy. We're not doing anything fancy or extravagant, yet. Most importantly, we want to build God's church strong such that not only this generation will be blessed by the planting of this ministry but many future generations will be blessed by it as well. Do pray together with myself and the people to intercede for this land that God so loved that He gave His one and only son.
Personally, i am excited for what God is going to do in SMU. My lifestyle have had to change due to the demands of the minsitry but i'm ok. We are called to build our lives aroud God and His work.
For the SMU ministry, as God leads the charge into the school we want to believe that He will bring about revival in the school soon and very soon.
Jie Hui